Prevent dental injuries with a mouthguard

Every year thousands of children are treated for dental injuries, which could have been prevented, or the severity minimised, by wearing a protective mouthguard.

Wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard while participating in sport is vitally important to help prevent dental injuries. Anyone who participates in a sport that carries a risk of contact to the face should wear a mouthguard.

Why do you need a mouthguard?

A mouthguard helps absorb the shock experienced by a blow to the face, which might otherwise result in an injury to the mouth or jaw. A heavy collision can result in chipped or broken teeth, internal damage to a tooth, tooth loss, injuries to the soft tissue of the mouth, and, in severe cases, concussion or a broken jaw. Injuries like these can lead to long and potentially expensive treatment to restore teeth and the mouth back to normal function and appearance.

When should I wear a mouthguard?

Mouthguards should be worn whilst playing and training for any sport that could involve contact to the face.

Custom-fitted mouthguards

A custom-fitted mouthguard is made by a dentist using an impression taken of your teeth and a plaster model. Custom fitting allows the dentist to accurately assess your mouth and provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness in a mouthguard made especially for you. The dentist can also make an assessment of any risk factors you might have and recommend the best type of mouthguard appropriate for your sport. Custom-fitted mouthguards are comfortable, allow you to talk, have maximum resistance against being dislodged and should not restrict breathing.

How long will my mouthguard last?

Your dentist should review your mouthguard every 12 months to ensure it fits correctly. Sometimes, a mouthguard needs to be replaced if major changes occur to the teeth, like restorations or adult teeth coming through.

To make an appointment for a custom fitted mouthguard contact us today.
